15 August 2017.. 71st Independence day of India.. We got independence back in 15 August 1947. But one community, one group of human beings got their recognition in 2014!! In 2014, Supreme Court recognized transgender as ‘Third Gender’!!! Imagine in INDEPENDENCE India, SOME HUMAN BEINGS were living with any LEGAL RECOGNITION. Superior Legal institute also said that without any kind of identity, it is impossible to live without DISCRIMINATION. Within one year, first transgender mayor is elected in Chhattisgarh. Supreme Court said that the fundamental rights of Transgender should be protected. But on 71st Independence day, do they have any FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS?

In 2014 Rights of Transgender Persons Bill was introduced in Rajya Sabha and passed in 2015. But Lok Sabha is still ignoring the rights of transgender community. Central ministry approved given but the core contain is missing and given bill is still pending in Loksabha. We have completed 70 years of Independence and we are still discussing the fundamental rights of SOME HUMAN BEINGS!! It’s a question of 5 lakh people.
Still picture is incomplete. Centre asked Supreme Court to clarify whether lesbians, gays and bisexuals qualify as third gender or not. Supreme Court CLARIFIED that transgender doesn’t include lesbians, gays and bisexuals… IT MEANS STILL THESE PEOPLE DON’T HAVE ANY ITENTITY.!!!!!

We generally solve the problems related to discrimination by just announcing various benefits and schemes. But will solve the social discrimination? How can these steps force PARENTS to accept their transgender child?

मैंने सोचा था
पहचान दिल से बनती है
लेकीन असल मे तो
ये जिस्म है जो बताता है
तुम्हारी मेरी पहचान

I hope in this NEW YEAR, we will at least start to think..


या ब्लॉगवरील लोकप्रिय पोस्ट



Atheist having spiritual experience